Capture Data

Forms have been a part of websites for a long time but it is difficult to design them and make them perform well. Chatbots provide a new way of capturing data from people that visit your website or social page. 

What can you capture?

The sky is the limit. You can use Foxbot like a normal form and capture any kind of data that you could capture in a form. So why use a chatbot? Because you can add these capture forms at any time in any of your workflows. Your also able to split the form in any way you want. Maybe you don’t want to ask people everything in one go as it might scar off people to actually enter it when it is too long. 

Conditional workflows:

You can also make capturing data conditional. Maybe you only want to ask for an email address from people that have answered a previous question in a certain way. With Foxbot you can do that. Conditions can be chained together in any way you want.

Customer feedback:

Customer feedback and suggestions are extremely important to have. but it has traditionally been quite difficult to get it. With Foxbot, you can setup flows to ask people a few questions after they have purchased form you for example or in another way engaged with your business. This can happen automatically, so that you do not have to think about it. Your chatbot will keep sending out your survey and capturing this data for you on auto-pilot.

Ecommerce: orders, shipping details, payment information:

Foxbot is a complete Ecommerce system. It can capture any data required for processing orders. People can add items to their cart and the chatbot will capture this and turn it into an order. It can also then walk people through the checkout process and capture all shipping details including name, contact info and whatever else you require. Finally, it can capture and process payment information directly from the chatbot.


You can use Foxbot to design complete surveys with conditional items. It can act like an advanced form builder but adds the familiarity of a chat-based channel such as Facebook messenger or LINE. 

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